This App is recommended for smartphone models released after 2014.
If performance is less than recommended, it can be difficult to use the app.
Android OS Device
Release Year : after 2014 (Galaxy S4, LG G2 or higher )
OS : Android OS 4.4 or higher
CPU : Qualcomm Krait 400 MP4 2.3 GHz
Memory : Minimum specification: 2 GB RAM
Apple OS Device
New iPad, iPad mini 2, iPhone 5 or later devices
"The Acupuncture of Extra Point" is....
Fast and smooth interface
Convenient function
Available inmultiple languages
Works on a variety of devices
World`s first new concept application applying
“The Extra Point” to the Full 3D human body model.
High-quality 3D models
Skin and bone texture similar to reality
Realistic human body model proportions
acupoints accurately reflects traditional medicine books
Constant updates to The Extra Acupoint
Professional Consultation
The Extra Acupoint incorporates the design practices from The Meridian 2.0
such as high-quality 3D human body models with enhanced functionality
The advantages of The Meridian 2.0
3D model with Male and Female
Proper body proportion
Skin transparency function
Suitable skin texture with surface anatomy
Easy comparisons of bones and organs Anatomically accurate organs and bones
With the “The Acupuncture of EXtra Point”
you can divide the acupoint more precisely and
in greater detail by using the bone texture.
we separately made the oral cavity 3D model that
cannot be viewed from the outer skin.
In the later update, we will make the armpit, male genitalia and female genitalia as separate functions.
in the 'The Acupuncture of Extra Point'
Main acupoint of the 14 main meridians and The Extra acupoint are simultaneously expressed in 3D models for easy to understand location.
You can compare multiple acupoints in a unique way ever seen before.
Fine scales to help identify the positional relationship
between The 14 main acupoint and The Extra acupoint.
The Extra acupoint compared with
The 14 main acupoint.
Easily and simply select the complex acupoint on the screen
nested in the same or similar locations.
You can easily select complex acupoints
made easy by including
only the necessary functions.
We made it available in multiple languaes
Each menu and description is available in three languages,
(Hangeul, English and Chinese)
so that it can be used in various countries.
Rich content and High quality
Reference book
ㄱ : [經穴釋義匯編] [奇穴治療訣] [經外奇穴圖譜] [景岳全書] [灸法圖殘卷] [奇效良方] [經外奇穴彙編] [經穴匯解]
[古今醫統大全] [廣東中醫] [奇穴圖譜] [聖濟總錄] [江蘇中醫] [工人醫生手冊] [據陝西中醫學院] [骨蒸病灸方] [經外奇穴彩色圖譜] [據中國人民解放軍某部衛生隊陸長山同志 : 神經強刺激療法治療小兒麻痺後遺症] [據中國人民解放軍8310部隊醫院介紹]
[癸辛雜識] [膏肓灸法]
ㄴ : [內科急症]
ㄷ : [銅人腧穴針灸圖經] [董氏奇穴針灸學]
ㄹ : [遼寧醫學雜誌] [凌氏漢章針灸全書]
ㅁ : [脈經] [芒針療法]
ㅂ : [備急千金要方] [備急灸法] [福建民間針灸經驗錄] [福州民間針灸經驗] [保赤推拿法] [癸辛雜識] [福州民間針灸經驗錄] [北京中醫] [備急灸法] [福建中醫藥]
ㅅ : [小兒按摩經] [小兒推拿方脈活嬰秘旨全書] [新醫療法彙編]. [常用新醫療法手冊] [小兒按摩經] [壽世保元] [新醫療法手冊]
[上海中醫學院] [小兒麻痺後遺症穴位刺激結紮療法] [神應經] [聖濟總錄] [世醫得效方] [新醫藥學雜誌] [腧穴學概論]
[新編針灸大辭典] [新集備急灸經] [常用經穴解剖學定位] [洗冤錄·論沿身骨脈及要害去處] [山東醫刊] [新針灸學] [腧穴學概論]
[上海中醫藥雜誌] [常用經穴解剖學定位] [常見腫瘤的防治]
ㅇ : [醫經小學] [外台秘要] [醫經小學] [類經圖翼] [類經] [醫學綱目] [安徽單驗方選集] [外科大成] [銀海精微] [幼科推拿秘書]
[醫燈續焰] [外傷性截癱防治手冊] [醫心方] [衛生寶鑑] [養生鏡] [醫學入門] [醫宗金鑑] [醫說] [幼幼新書] [楊敬齋針灸全書]
[外傷性截癱防治手冊] [幼科鐵鏡] [工人醫生手冊]
ㅈ : [肘後備急方] [中國針灸學] [浙江中醫雜誌] [中國針灸穴位辭典] [中醫臨床新編] [中華外科雜誌] [中醫雜誌] [曹氏灸經]
[臟腑圖點穴法] [中醫簡易教材] [全國中醫醫結合研究工作經驗交流會議資料選編] [全國中草藥新醫療法展覽會資料選編]
[全國中草藥新醫療法展覽會技術資料選編] [刺疔捷法] [中國人民解放軍北京軍區後勤部衛生部介紹]
[陳修園醫書七十二種·刺疔捷法] [中醫研究院廣安門醫院] [中醫學新編] [中醫簡易教材] [浙江中醫] [中國針灸學辭典]
[中醫研究工作資料彙編] [祖國醫學基本知識新醫療法和中草藥] [中國人民解放軍某部倉庫軍醫陳憲昌同志介紹]
ㅊ : [千金翼方] [针灸孔穴及其疗法便览] [针灸奇穴及其疗法便览] [針灸穴位小詞典] [鍼灸學簡編] [针灸甲乙经] [鍼灸大成]
[针灸经外奇穴图谱] [針灸經外奇穴圖譜續集] [针灸大全] [鍼灸集成] [治療匯要] [千金方] [针灸腧穴索引] [針灸學簡編]
[針刺麻醉] [針灸經外奇穴治療訣] [针法穴道记] [针灸学辞典] [瘡瘍經驗全書] [针灸穴位小词典] [針灸聚英] [针灸资生经]
[最新灸疗宝典] [針灸真髓] [针灸境外气血] [针灸杂志] [青海卫生] [針灸療法及生理作用] [针灸学 : 上海中医学院编]
[针灸学 : 南京] [針灸發微] [针灸穴位挂图说明] [針灸集錦] [针灸经外奇穴图谱: 续集]
ㅌ. : [太平聖惠方] [透穴与集合穴]
ㅍ : [扁鵲神應鍼灸玉龍經]
ㅎ : [黄帝内经素问·刺疟篇] [黃帝內經靈樞·本輸] [红医针疗法] [許任鍼灸經驗方] [黃帝內經素問·刺腰痛篇] [漢藥神效方]
[黑龙江医刊] [华佗别传] [黄帝内经素问·缪刺论] [黄帝内经素问·氣府论] [黄帝内经素问·终始] [哈爾濱中醫]
[黄帝内经素问·氣穴论] [哈尔滨中医]
The list of The Extra Point
The numbers specified in "The Acupuncture of EXtra Point" follow WHO and Our own regulations.